Med. Weter. 41 (5), 257-320, 1985
Bioavailability, prophylactic and therapeutic value of Brytrowet Wołoszyn S., Grądzki Z., Winiarczyk S. [digitized] 259
Trials to activate the reticuio-endothelial system of the udder of cows and elimination of bacterial infections Kurek C, Ławrynowicz Z.,
Kossakowski C [digitized] 263
Kossakowski C [digitized] 263
Characteristics of the peptide fractions in milk of healthy cows and cows with mastitis Kostyra E., Kostyra H. [digitized] 266
Investigations on the control of Ichthyophthirius multijüiis Fouguet, 1876 in the carp Antychowicz J., Rogulska A. [digitized] 269
Occurrence and titres against Haemophilus somnus in cattle Balbierz H., Nowacki W., Molenda J., Nikołajczuk M. [digitized] 272
Content of minerals in pork of Landrace pigs and their hybrids Rekiel A., Surdacki Z. [digitized] 279
Isolation and some characteristics of the native strains of myxomatosis virus Górski J., Mizak B., Mizak Z. [digitized] 282
The presence of maternal antibodies in Barbarie ducklings from ducks vaccinated against Derzsys disease Samorek-Salamonowicz E., Cąkała A.
Czekaj H [digitized] 286
Czekaj H [digitized] 286
Progesterone level in the blood plasma as an index of early pregnancy detection in ewes Kasztelan R., Stupnicki R., Zebracki A. [digitized] 290
The relationship between post-^partal disturbances in cows and blood serum minerals concentration in the perinatal period Jaśkowaki J. M.,
Lachowski A. [digitized] 292
Lachowski A. [digitized] 292
Contamination of a ram semen with Brucella ovis Boryczko Z., Furowicz A, Wilk G., Jakubowska L. [digitized] 296
Occurrence of Campylobacter sputorum susp. bubulus in the preputial sac of the zebu and buffaloes Rosłanowski K., Pedersen C. H.,
Wierzbowski S., Andrzejewska E. [digitized] 297
Wierzbowski S., Andrzejewska E. [digitized] 297
Treatment of chronic and subclinic mastitis in lactating sheep Krzyżanowski J., Malinowski E., W a wron W., Głuszak J., Orlik S. [digitized] 300
Comparison of the ievels of some blood biochemical indices in cows in a traditional and in a large system of management Skrzypek R.,
Dorynek Z. [digitized] 308
Dorynek Z. [digitized] 308
Influence of bentonite of Polish production on the acid-alkaline balance of dairy cattle in the perinatal period Dembiński Z., Kosicki B.,
Mróz-Dembińska S., Szczęśniak Ł., Więckowski W. [digitized] 311
Mróz-Dembińska S., Szczęśniak Ł., Więckowski W. [digitized] 311