Med. Weter. 34 (6), 321-384, 1978
Transplantation of bovine embryos a present state and perspectives of the method Wierzbowski S., Smorąg Z., Wierzchoś E. [digitized] 321
New aspects of etiopatogenosis of paraplegia puerperalis in milking cows . . . Żarski T. [digitized] 327
An attempt to decrease the degree of bacterial contamination of the frozen semen of bulls Boryczko Z. [digitized] 331
Further laboratory and field trials with „Vaccina A70" and „Vaccina VR2" against the red fever Wasiński K., Wasińska B., Tereszczuk S.,
Urbanek W. [digitized] 333
Urbanek W. [digitized] 333
Trials of a simple laboratory diagnosis of transmissible gastroenteritis in pigs (TGE) Janowski H., Siemionek J., Szweda W. [digitized] 337
Streptococcal meningoencephalitis in piglets Strojna S., Semka Z., Molenda J., Kozyrczak J., Janas P. [digitized] 339
Diagnostic value of the method based on the examination of the smears taken from the anus in case of echinococcosis in dogs
Kozakiewicz B. [digitized] 343
Kozakiewicz B. [digitized] 343
Current views on the application of chemiotherapeutics in a form of aerosols Mazurczak J., Russak G. [digitized] 347
Lactose content in milk as an index of mastitis in cows Gardzina E., Paradzisz Z., Sawicka J. [digitized] 355
Acute cadmium intoxication in two cows Kleczkowski M., Szrzedziński J., Jastrzeński T., Rotkiewicz T., Stypula J. [digitized] 359
Relationship between a fattening system and the content of vitamin A on liver of fattened pigs Monkiewicz J., Skrzetuski L., Skórna E. [digitized] 361
The application of AKZA-1 and A-l aspirators for the measurement of the content of sulphur dioxide in air Filuś K., Jamiołkowski A. [digitized] 363
Examinations of bacteriological state of meat obtained after mechanical demasculation of bones Walkowiak E. [digitized] 365
Composition of fatty acids in lipids of a gelatinous meat of the Reinhardtius hippoglossoides Widera L [digitized] 366
New measures of the SI system in laboratory veterinary diagnostics Pomarariska-Lazuka W. [digitized] 369