Med. Weter. 34 (8), 449-512, 1978
The prevalence and metabolic functions of nonsporulating anaerobic bacteria in the alimentary tract of animals Cygan Z., Barcz I. [digitized] 449
Infectious inflammatio of the uterus in mares and indications on the application of vaccines against Gumboro disease and diagnostic antigens
Truszczyński M. [digitized] 460
Truszczyński M. [digitized] 460
Mycobacterium terrae as a cause of non-specific tuberulin reaction in a heifer Żórawski C, Skwarek P. [digitized] 462
Acquiring of resistance of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms against chosen desinfectants Kondracki M., Michałowska R.,
Radomiński W. [digitized] 469
Radomiński W. [digitized] 469
Observations on the prevalence of trichinosis in men and animals in the Lublin province in 1965-1976 Rzeszowska G., Malec R., Uchacz S.,
Pomorska M. [digitized] 472
Pomorska M. [digitized] 472
The prevalence of Paramphistomum sp. in ruminants in the Kraków-city, Bielsk, Tarnów and Nowy Sącz provinces Ramisz A., Urban E.,
Bożek K. [digitized] 476
Bożek K. [digitized] 476
Studies on the efficacy of new drugs against swine dysentery in industrialized swine farming Janowski H., Bieszke R., Szweda W. [digitized] 481
The content of Ca, P, Mg, Fe and Cu in swine sera in industrialized farming Gołębiowski S., Bratkowski A., Smolarz M. [digitized] 483
Salt intoxication in geese in an industrial fattening Kochowicz W., Kulczycki J., Leja W. [digitized] 486
Bacteriological evaluation of bull's semen production in some Centres of Breeding and Insemination of Animals Nowakowski W.,
Wierzbowski S. [digitized] 488
Wierzbowski S. [digitized] 488
A contribution to the recognition of spreading of purulent infections in Breeding Centres of Animals Lewandowski M., Karpiński J. [digitized] 490
The evaluation of the usefulness of a synthetic prostaglandin F2 alpha (ICI 80996) for oestrus synchronization in heifers Członkowska M., Gajdek J.,
Wąsik M. [digitized] 492
Wąsik M. [digitized] 492
Studies on an artificial insemination in rabbits treated with Biogonadyl Urbański A., Niedźwiadek S. [digitized] 494
The role of free radical reactions in atiopathogenesis of neoplasia Mazurczak J., Owczarczyk B., Russak G. [digitized] 496
The level of Zn, Fe, Cu and Mg in lymph nodes of free and leukemic cows Gibasiewicz W. A., Gibasiewicz K. [digitized] 500
SucmanovaM. Dynamic of copper, iron, manganese and zink in meat of healthy and diseased pigs and in technological processes Mikulik A.,
Vavrova M., Dobeś M., Zima S., [digitized] 502
Vavrova M., Dobeś M., Zima S., [digitized] 502
Comparison of the effectiveness of various methods of the obtaining of gamma-globulin fractions of swine sera NiemiałtowskiM. [digitized] 506