Med. Weter. 27 (12), 705-768, 1971


Investigations on the sterilization of spices in meat processing by means of UV Walkowiak E., Aleksandrowska I., Wityk A., Watychowicz I. [digitized] 694
Degeneration of vertebral column in bulls Lachowicz S. [digitized] 705
Acute intoxication in cattle caused by lead Bohosiewicz M., Mikołajczak B. [digitized] 709
General anaesthesia in pigs by injection of barbiturane into pulmonary tissue Ma ciołek H. [digitized] 711
Investigations on the possibility of nosematosis therapy by the use of herb extracts and garlic fitoncides in honey bees. Hartwig A. [digitized] 714
Bilateral rotatory surgical table for large animals . Golacik K. [digitized] 716
Abdominal schisis in a cow Krasnodębski J. [digitized] 718
A case surgical removal of oesophagus dilatation in a cow Kanicki S. [digitized] 719
On the occurrence of Dicrocoelium dendriticum and Cystocaulus ocreatus in sheep in the Olsztyn province Bezubik B., Borowik M. M. [digitized] 719
The efficacy of Zanil on the mature forms of Fasciola hepatica in cattle and sheep assayed at necropsy Chowaniec W., Ziomko I., Darski J. [digitized] 721
Current views on the appearance of antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria. Part II. Epidemiological role of R factor Furowicz A. [digitized] 722
The influence of passive immunity in calves acquired by colostrum on the results of anti-Foot-and Mouth disease vaccination Wiśniewski J.,
Jankowska J.
[digitized] 726
The results of flavomycin application in broylers feeding Mazurczak J., Kolbuszewski T., Konecka A. [digitized] 729
The Second International Symposium on immunology of reproduction Balbierz H. [digitized] 732
Freezing of ram's semen at low temperatures. III. Fertility of sheep following the use of freezed semen Kareta W., Pilch J., Wierzbowski S. [digitized] 734
Freezing of boars semen in glucoso-egg yolk-glycerol diluents Łyczyński A. [digitized] 738
Normal values of white blood cells and lymphocytes in cows of lowland black white breed in relation to their age, various parts of the country
and seasons
Grundboeck M., Wilczyńska-Ciemięga K, Wojtoń T. [digitized] 740
Attempts of bullion substitution by promine D in bacteriological media ... Adamczyk E., Chmielowski W. [digitized] 744