Med. Weter. 24 (5), 257-320, 1968


The selected problems from field of cattle leukaemia. Etiology, pathology and the course of the disease process Grundboeck M. [digitized] 257
The comparison of the results of hematologic investigations in cevherds suffering from leukaemia Balbierz H., Bogatko W., Cogiel F. [digitized] 261
The observations of the numerical changes of white blood dells in cows suspected of and suffering from leukaemia Mazur J. [digitized] 263
The observations on the influence of dehydrogenated fatty acids of F group soluted in linseed oil on some form of intravaginal eczema in dogs
Utzig J.
[digitized] 266
The economic evaluation of the caesarean section in cattle Użycki Z. [digitized] 268
The operational procedure during the castration of stallions with the abdominal cryptochism Fryc J. [digitized] 270
he possibility of oral appliance of antibiotics in ruminates for the productive and prophylatic aim Barej W. T [digitized] 273
The oxyterracine influence on the digest coefficient in hens Skulmowski J. [digitized] 276
The feed oxyterracine in boar and gilt feeding . . . . Krautforst W., Kozłowski M. [digitized] 278
The tissue fluorescence after feeding chicks with industrial feed mixtures containing oxyterracine Połujański P. [digitized] 280
The investigations on the usefulness of Nilverm preparation in control of gastro-intestinal Nematodiasis invasion in sheep Borzemski J.,
Markiewicz K., Romaniuk K, Tarczyński S.
[digitized] 283
The evaluation of usefulness of Atgard R V Shell preparation in anthelmintic therapy in swine Fagasiński A., Joszt L., Lineburg A. [digitized] 287
Brucelosis in hare (Lepus europaeus, Pallas 1778) in Poland in hunting seasons 1965—66 and 1966—67 Hay J., Tropiło J. [digitized] 288
The attempt on the interpretation of the up-to-now convergence of the views on the tuberculization influence on the creation of antibodies
Bochdalek R.
[digitized] 290
The contribution to plate agglutination appliance in detecting fowl tuberculosis in ZOO Musielak B., Rutkowiak B. [digitized] 292
The investigations on the mutual dependence between the production of phosphatase and bound and free coagulase among Staphylococci strains
isolated from food products
Malik K. [digitized] 294
The bactériologie investiga¬tions of bacons from meat factories of different hygiene level Cader-Strzelecka B., Strzelecki E. [digitized] 297
The investigations on chole¬sterol content in muscular tissue by some fresh water fishes Dąbrowski T., Stodolnik L.. Noc h G. [digitized] 299
Amino acids in stale of horses a few months old donors of anti-diphteric serum Kostarz T., Kądziołka A. [digitized] 301
The semen infection during the process of cow fertilization, due to the use of non-sterilized baloon Krzyżanowski J.. Buczek J. [digitized] 305