Med. Weter. 22 (10), 577-640, 1966


Investigations an the therapy of fluke disease in cattle Żarnowski E., Chowaniec W., Darski J., Malczewski A., Marański C, Żebrowska D.,
Janeczek M.
[digitized] 577
Investigations on the way of infection with Aujesky disease virus in fur-bearing animals Oyrzanowska J., Kita J. [digitized] 579
The use of fluorescent antitodies in the diagnosis of infection with anthrax Chajkowski M., Matras J. [digitized] 581
Observations on infectious wasting inflamation of the nose in pigs Kaszubkiewicz Cz., Michalski J., Zakrzewski A. [digitized] 584
Fungal skin infections in sheep Kamyszek F., Nowaczyk W. [digitized] 588
Diseases of eye and ecessive feeding Szczudłowska M. [digitized] 590
Clinical observations on hypovitaminosis in cattle Wiśniewski J. [digitized] 592
Crazy chick disease evoked thriugh vitamin E deficiency Dziekoński J. [digitized] 596
Węgrzyn M. A case of untypical unilateral yoke veins in a cow Pilarski W., [digitized] 599
Five years of work of the Laboratory of Diseases of Bees of the WZHW in Opole Skarbek R. [digitized] 601
On the toxological appraisal of meat nad milk Bohosiewicz M. [digitized] 603
The elements of programming the amount of jelly in tinned foods . Pezacki W. [digitized] 609
Observations on the treatment of acute inflammatory states of the udders (mastitis) with the helpful action of hypophysine Żabo1icki K. [digitized] 613
The effect of oxyteriacin in fodder of the growth of late-developing piglets Krautforst W., Kozłowski M. [digitized] 616
Initial attempts to give cattle salt of cobalt in the form of heavy granules Czajkowski Z., Dziembowska T., Jędrzejowski A. [digitized] 618
Groups of blood plasma of domestic animals in the light of genetic investigations . . ... ...... Balbierz H. [digitized] 620
The Institute of Sera and Vaccines in Hessarak (Iran) Kobusicwicz T. [digitized] 624