Med. Weter. 21 (11), 641-704, 1965
The formulation of the results of serolo gical investigation of cattle for brucellosis in international units and the rules currently in force in
Poland for their interpretation . . Wiśniowski J., Królak M. [digitized] 641
Poland for their interpretation . . Wiśniowski J., Królak M. [digitized] 641
On the diagnostic value of the tube agglutination test with vaginal mucus in the diagnosis of brucellosis Anczykowski F., Murat P.,
Wałkowski L. [digitized] 645
Wałkowski L. [digitized] 645
The epizootic situation in South-East Africa in the light of the protection of the country against tropical diseases Samól S. [digitized] 648
Studies on infectious encephalitis in foxes and infectious hepatitis in dogs in Poland. I. Isolation of the virus (from bred foxes) trom a cell-culture
Górski J. [digitized] 652
Górski J. [digitized] 652
Experimental poisoning of swine with isopropyl methylphosphonfluoridate Kossakowski S., Kujawski J. [digitized] 661
The level of lymphocytosis in the blood of cattle from the farms of persons suffering from leukaemia . Aleksandrowicz J., Halecki J.,
Janicki K. [digitized] 666
Janicki K. [digitized] 666
The content of nitrates in certain pasture plants and weeds Staśkiewicz G., Zimowska K. [digitized] 667
Morphological changes in the thyroid and their significance in the pathogenesis of coli-enterotoxemia (oedematus disease) in swine
Kaszubkiewicz C [digitized] 668
Kaszubkiewicz C [digitized] 668
Bilateral senile cataracts with transference of the left lens to the for-chamber Szczudłowska M. [digitized] 673
An appraisal of the efficacy of hexachlorophen against fluke in sheep and cattle Roliński Z. [digitized] 673
The effect of the packaging on the lasting properties of frozen fattened geese Koeppe S., Szczepańska B., Zalewski S. [digitized] 675
The role of the
submontecule-hypothalamus system in the regulation of the sexual cycle of the female. II. Investigations on the activity of submontecule
extracts at various times in the sexual cycle Mazurczak J., Sitarska E. [digitized] 680
submontecule-hypothalamus system in the regulation of the sexual cycle of the female. II. Investigations on the activity of submontecule
extracts at various times in the sexual cycle Mazurczak J., Sitarska E. [digitized] 680
Observations on certain haematological indices in mares in foal Zwoliński J. Ganowicz M., Siudziński M. [digitized] 683
Helping cows with difficult births by repositioning the foetus in the central-peritoneal manner Zaprzał K. [digitized] 686
The use of Morozow's equation in the estimation of the breeding of cattle in large herd farming . Łubkowski J. [digitized] 689