Med. Weter. 20 (1), 1-64, 1964


I international symposium on infections caused by anaerobic bacteria Meisel H. [digitized] 2
Effect of the weather on the course of swine fever Sambl S. [digitized] 5
On the making of vaccine 19 for the immunization of cattle against brucellosis Anczykowski F. [digitized] 8
Experiments on the resistance to heat of enterococci isolated from raw and pasteurized tinned meat Bojarski J. [digitized] 13
The occurrence of Oesophagostomum in slaughter-cattle in the Zulawy region Luks J. [digitized] 15
The reaction and adaptation of pigs lo cold. Ill Thermoregulation Kaszubkiewicz C [digitized] 16
An appraisal the effectiveness of the anti-stress action of the preparations „FenactU" and „Combelen" in monkeys Pinkiewicz E., Pietrzyk J. [digitized] 23
The effect of tar derivatives on health of piglings and boar cubs Szpakowski J. [digitized] 24
Observations on the action of tranquillin during rumenotomy in cattle Kostyra J. [digitized] 26
The effect of nerve, gonadotropic, and muscular stimuli on spawning carp . . Kocylowski B. [digitized] 28
Veterinary medicine on a global scale Trawiński A. [digitized] 32
Women in science and veteri¬nary medicine in Poland up to 1939 Pustówka T. [digitized] 33
XIII international session on the artificial insemination of animals in Wels Bielański W. [digitized] 34
The usefulness of chlorsuccillin in country practice Stójko A. [digitized] 35
The removal of a broken insemination pipette from the bladder of a cow Maciolek H. [digitized] 35
Fluorescent antibody method and its application in veterinary medicine Grundboeck M. [digitized] 36