Med. Weter. 20 (8), 449-512, 1964
Achievements in the recognition of the properties of antibodies and the mechanism of their origin . Truszczyński M [digitized] 449
Bacteriosis, mycosis and pebrine in silk-worm breeding (Bombyx mori L.) in the years 1956—1960 Golańsk i K. [digitized] 454
The action of oily suspension of oxyterracin in experimental pasterellosis of chickens Stępkowski S., Rzedzicki J. [digitized] 461
Difficulties in the laboratory diagnosis of leptospirosis in foxes from the L. farm Zwierz J., Karmańska K., Wasilewska E., Kaszubkiewicz C [digitized] 464
The occurrence of Salmonella bacteria in animals of the Olsztyn voivodship in the years 1961—1963 Flis I., Zaleski S. [digitized] 468
Parasitic fauna of the alimentary tract of fat pigs in industrial fattening stations' Kamyszek F. [digitized] 471
The classifying of Rumanian strains of measles trichina by means of phages Stiube P. [digitized] 472
Fungal infection of the udders in cows Senze A., Sielicka B., Raułuszkiewicz B., Samborski Z. [digitized] 478
The pharmacodynamic bases for the use of trankwilin (chloropromazine) in animals. I. Action upon centres Kozłowski J. [digitized] 486
Haematuria as a complication after the administration of guayamar Badura R., Kwiatkowski T., Modra kowski A. Osiński B., Zaleska H. [digitized] 489
Changes in the phosphatic fractions of the meat of bream (Abramis brama L.) and tench (Tinea tinea L.) during storage of the fish on ice
Dąbrowski T., Kołakowski E. [digitized] 494
Dąbrowski T., Kołakowski E. [digitized] 494
Specificity to race of haemoglobin type in cattle as exemplified in lowland black-white cattle Nikołajczuk M., Kaczmarek A. [digitized] 498
A comparison of staphylocoocin A with Oxytetracyclin in the feeding of broiler-fowl. Ryś R., Lachowicz T., Kamiński J., Kawecka A. [digitized] 498