Med. Weter. 19 (11), 613-676, 1963
The preparation of cattle for surgical treatment by the use of „Guajamar" Badura R., Modrakowski A. [digitized] 613
Pharmacological analysis of blood pressure increase following intra-udder insufflation of air Garbuliński T., Bubień Z., Węgrzynowicz R. [digitized] 617
Attemps to use hydrolysate of keratin for the treatment of some forms of eczema endogenes in the dog Utzig J. [digitized] 620
Determination of the concentration of sulfamethoxypirydazine in blood of piglings Fidecka H., Roliński Z. [digitized] 622
Attempts to apply and evaluate the diagnostic value of various laboratory methods in early supravital diagnosis of rabies Baczyński Z. [digitized] 625
Hormonal treatment of some forms of lack of sexual vitality in bulls Senze A., Osyczko W. [digitized] 641
Preliminary observations on the morphology of the uterine cervix in cattle Tischner M. [digitized] 647
Absorptive capacities of various iron compounds by suckling piglings . Kotliński J., Poznański W., Skrzetuski L. [digitized] 651
The question of blood groups in the horse and possibilities of making use of them Wadowski S. [digitized] 655
The purification and concentration of Anti-measles horse serum by the modified method of Kibrictk and Blonstein Zahaczewski J. [digitized] 657