Med. Weter. 18 (4), 193-256, 1962
Field diagnosis of Str. agalactias using the Hotis' method Wiśniowski J., Madejski S., Grajewska A. [digitized] 197
Cases of Aujeszky's disease in silver foxes, white foxes and minks Steffen J., Szaflarski J. [digitized] 201
Intranasal immunization of chicks against Newcastle disease using the strains NDV LaSota and F Borzemska W, [digitized] 205
The haemolytic reaction and the blood picture in cattle Infected with tuberculosis Dziąba A., Markiewiczowa Z. [digitized] 210
Estimation of the global artificial radioactivity beta in the bones of slaughter animals in 1959 and 1960 Szulc M. [digitized] 212
A case of parturient paresis in a cow in the 8th month « of pregnancy Krzyżanowski J. [digitized] 219
Normal blood picture of the lowland black white breed cows Stankiewicz W., Malinowski W., Krzaczyński [digitized] 232