Med. Weter. 15 (5), 257-320, 1959


Attempts to differentiate by means of agglutination cattle inoculated with S-19 from that naturally infected with brucellosis Krauss S.,
Ugorski L.
[digitized] 257
Alcaligenes faecalis and Aerobacter aerogenes isolated from aborted equine foetuses Wojciechowska S. [digitized] 259
Value of the Hertfordshire strain vaccine produced on eggs of hens vaccinated against New Castle disease Teklińska M., Tekliński A. [digitized] 263
Influence of aqueous extract of Pulsatilla pratensis on Trichomonas foetus Ried. in vitro Starzyk J., Wacławek D., Haslinger R. [digitized] 266
Infectious encephalomyelitis in horses Radomiński W. [digitized] 268
Observations on Distemper of Mustella lutreola (cont.) Cąkała S. [digitized] 277
A case of occidiosis caused in a cat by Isospora felis Pinkiewicz E. [digitized] 281
Crisis in our breeding of the Arabian horses Skorkowski E. [digitized] 282
The role of mangan in metabolism . Rys E. [digitized] 285
Dislocation of superficial flexor digitorum pedis in Collies Zakiewicz M. [digitized] 288
Dysfunction of ovaries in cattle Wędrychowicz S. [digitized] 290
Experimental studies on toxi¬city of sodium fluoride in pigs *Juszkiewicz T, Madejski Z., Gorzelewska K. [digitized] 294
The use of terramycin in veterinary practice Lewandowski M. [digitized] 296
Rumenotomy in a cow in advanced pregnancy Stanuch S. [digitized] 297
A case of the application of oxygen in grave colic Orzechowski S. [digitized] 297