Med. Weter. 70 (12), 719-724, 2014

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Wojtacka J., Gomółka-Pawlicka M., Liedtke K., Uradziński J.
Quality and hygiene of honey, a foodstuff of animal origin
In Poland, the quality and hygiene of honey, as a foodstuff of animal origin, is subject to the supervision of three state authorities: Veterinary Inspection, National Sanitary Inspection and Agricultural and Food Quality Inspection. The role of Veterinary Inspection consists in supervising the conditions of acquisition, storage and marketing of honey, as well as in constant monitoring aimed at the detection of illicit substance content. Owing to the peculiar character of apiculture, it is not always possible to completely adjust the process of honey production to the requirements which apply to the production of other foodstuffs under the common legal regulations. Therefore, proper supervision involves not only the enforcement of rules and orders, but also the assistance provided to honey producers in ensuring the safety of honey production and the hygiene of the product in order to protect the consumers.
Key words: honey, quality, hygiene, honey analysis