Medycyna Wet. 66 (3), 210-212, 2010
Przysucha T., Grodzki H., Slósarz J. |
Correlation between pelvis area index and body weight, chest in sacrum and chest circumference of beef breed cows |
The aim of the research was to define the relationship between pelvis area index (IPM) and body weight (M), chest in sacrum (WK) as well as chest circumference (OKP) of Limousine, Hereford and Charolaise beef cows. Data concerning 1399 cows of the above-mentioned breeds kept at 6 farms were collected as material for investigation. The measurements of chest circumference, chest in sacrum and cows’ body weight were taken. In order to calculate pelvis area index, the following body measurements were made: width at hips Tuber coxarum (Tc), width at pins Tuber ischium (Ti), lenght of pelvis (TcTi). On that basis, pelvis area index was calculated according to the following formula: IPM = [(TcTc + TiTi) x TcTi] : 2. Correlation coefficients between pelvis area index (IPM) and body weight (M), chest in sacrum (WK), chest circumference (OKP) were calculated by the Spearman method with SPSS 12.0. A high variability of the cows’ body weight for all breeds was observed. Variability coefficients (CV) of the cows’ body weight were much higher (from 18.3 to 20%) than those obtained by other authors, while variability coefficients of body measurements were similar. All correlation coefficients between pelvis area index and the basic body measurements and the cows’ body weight were positive and statistically significant (p≤ 0,01). High and statistically significant (p≤ 0,01) correlation coefficients between IPM and the cows’ body weight (0,78-0.84) and chest circumference (0,70-0,80) as well as chest in sacrum (0.56-0,75) justify the endeavours of Polish breeders to enlarge the body weight and calibre of beef cows. |
Key words: cow body weight, body measurements, pelvis area index, correlations |