Medycyna Wet. 64 (5), 673-676, 2008
Florowski T., Pisula A., Rola M.
Comparison of meatiness and the technological quality of pork from traditional Polish Pulawy breed and its crosses with Polish Large White and Polish Landrace pigs
The aim of this study was to compare the meatiness and technological quality of meat from traditional Polish Pulawy breed pigs and its crosses with Polish Large White and Polish Landrace pigs. It was observed that the highest technological quality came from meat from crosses of Pulawy and Polish Landrace pigs. The pH1 and pH2 value typical for high quality pork, low quantity of drip loss, good water holding capacity, and the highest weight gain during wet salting was observed in meat from this group. Based on the results of our study cross breeding of traditional Polish Pulawy breed and Polish Landrace pigs can be recommended in order to improve the technological quality of pork.
Key words: meat quality / pork / Pulawy pig breed