Med. Weter. 51 (4), 177-236, 1995
Recent data concerning the epizootic status in Europe and principles of swine fever control Pejsak Z. [digitized] 191
Production and market supply of swine and their relation to the seasonal changes in swine reprodukction Kondracki S. [digitized] 197
Residues of chloroorganic pesticides in the fat of game from Eastern Poland in 1990-1993 Rodziewicz L., Hajduk A. [digitized] 199
Prevalence of Piryrosporum pachydermatis in cases of dermatomycosis in dogs Dworecka-Kaszak B., Szynkiewicz Z. [digitized] 201
Prevalence of antibodies against parainfluenza virus type 2 and adenovirus type 2 in sera of dogs Chrobocińska M., Górski J. [digitized] 203
Cytoenzymatic and ultrastructural studies of internal organs of cats suffering from feline infectious peritonitis Madej J. A., Kuryszko J. [digitized] 206
Influence of experimental endotoxaemia on some idices of blood coagulation in horses Dąbrowska J. et al. [digitized] 212
Survival of larvae of gastro-intestinal nematodes during grass drying Paciejewski S. [digitized] 214