Med. Weter. 49 (5), 193-240, 1993


Superantigens and paraantigens — a review Larski Z. [digitized] 195
Some aspects of immunosupressive action of chemotherapeutics on immunological reactions — a review Grądzki Z. [digitized] 198
Actual diagnostic possibilities in viral diseases of dogs and cats — review Kólbl S., Klimentowski S. [digitized] 202
The effect of immunoprophylaxis on the occurrence of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains with adhesive fimbriae in the faeces of piglets . .
Osek J., Truszczyński M., Pejsak Z., Tarasiuk K.
[digitized] 206
A syndrome of brown European hares, a new disease — a review .... Deptuła W., Buczek J. [digitized] 208
Opportunistic pathogenic bacteria in the oviduct of cows and ewes . . Wierzbowski S., Wayda E. [digitized] 210
Influence of Ursoselevit on the MMA syndrome occurrence and the fertility of sows . . Wawron W. [digitized] 212
Variability of bacterial contamination in production of sausages . . Pełczyńska E., Szkucik K. [digitized] 214
Milk production and social structure of milk producers in the Lublin region in 1987—1991 Krzyżanowski J., Krakowski L. [digitized] 216
Xylazine in the clinical estimation with regard to gasometric and hemodynamic evaluations ... ............ Ratajczak K., KiełbowiczZ.,
Skrzypczak P.
[digitized] 218
Effect of starvation on the distribution of sulfamerazine administered in sheep intravenously Garwacki S., Karlik W., Rutkowski J.,
Wiechetek M.
[digitized] 221
Effect of selenium on prenatal development of rats Juszkiewicz T., Minta M., Biernacki B., Włodarczyk B. [digitized] 223
Trichinellosis in a pig farm .... Gundłach J. L., Samojłowicz M., Sadzikowski A. B. [digitized] 226
An attempt to restrict pleuropneumonia of pigs on an industrial farm Wandurski A. [digitized] 227
Changeability of coeca in some species of birds Przydryga M. [digitized] 229