Med. Weter. 47 (12), 529-576, 1991
Oxytetracycline residues in surplus honey from bee colonies treated against American foulbrood Gliński Z., Kauko L., Gacek G. J. [digitized] 534
The apply of coagglutination to detect K88, K99, 987P and F41 antigens in Escherichia coli patho_enic for animals Molenda J., Czajkowska A.,
Sobiech E., Semka Z. [digitized] 544
Sobiech E., Semka Z. [digitized] 544
The contractures of the stiffle joint in dogs — a surgival procedure in the light of two different cases Janicki A.-M. [digitized] 551
Systamex and Foxverm in the control of helminthiases of dogs and cats Pacie jews ki S., Górski J. [digitized] 553
Serological and epizooti©logical studies on the prevalence of viral infections in aborting cows Salwa A. [digitized] 557
The effect of vitamin C on the activity of alpha-amylase in rabbits Nagórna-Stasiak B., Lazuga-Adamczyk A. [digitized] 562