Med. Weter. 45 (2), 65-128, 1989


Patogénesis of salmonella diseases Hoszowski A. [digitized] 67
Studies on patogénesis of strongyloidosis in piglets Lineburg A. [digitized] 76
Effect of non-specific immunostimulation with Propionibacterium acnes CN5936 on the clinical condition and growth cf calves with breinchopneumotnia enzootica 'Furowicz A. J., Gos Z., Grupiński T., Czernomys y-Furowicz D. [digitized] 80
Antibiotic resistance of the Staphylococcus aureus strains and biological method of combating subclinical mastitis in cows Kacprzynská M., Kurek C [digitized] 85
Bacterial contamination of bovine internal organs . Pełczyńska E., Szkucik K [digitized] 88
Evaluation of the results of veterinary inspection of slaughter animals and meat in Poland Lis H.. [digitized] 92
Composition and characteristic of goat's milk Saba L., Bis-Wencel H., Litwińczuk Z. [digitized] 96
The role of proteins conjugating iron in immunity of the alimentary tract Gehrke M. [digitized] 100
The level of udder infection in cows mechanically and hand milked in individual farms . Kozanecki M., Burzyński A., Drożdż A., Brzozowski P., Kostrzyński S. [digitized] 104
Usefulness of histochemical determinatiDn of glucogen in the liver of carps for the estimation of their health condition Olech W. [digitized] 106
Effect of levamisole on the course of perinatal period in cows Kotowski K.. [digitized] 110
The in vitro estimation of luteolytic properties of prostaglandin F2a derivatives synthesized in Poland Grazu 1-Bilska A., Przała J., Więsak T., Arendarcik J., Stanikova A., Muszyńska A., Koziorowski M. [digitized] 112
Regulation of food intake in ruminants . Studziński T., Bobowiec R.. [digitized] 115
The influence of hypophysin on potassium and sodium ions concentration in extracellular fluid of calves in neonatal period Baranow-Baranowski S., Janus K., Jakubowska D., Jankowiak D„ Skrzypczak W. P. [digitized] 121