Med. Weter. 43 (7), 385-448, 1987
A trial of specific prophylactic of colibacillosis in sucking piglets Kostrzyński S. et al. [digitized] 394
Immune response of pregnant mice immunized and infected with Listeria monocytogenes Nowacki J. et al. [digitized] 396
Residues of chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides in meat, liver, and brain of a wild boar, roe deer and a stag Zamojski J. et al. [digitized] 406
Biological and pathomorfological evaluation of hatching in poultry with disturbances in synchronization of hatching Borzemska W. et al. [digitized] 409
Observations on therapeutic efficacy of Imequyl in colibacteriosis of piglets Roliński Z. et al. [digitized] 412
Economical effects of thé use of a preparate Paratect Bolus in heifers Grzywiński L. et al. [digitized] 418
Studies on the possibility to use a black livex in piglets as a premix- supplementing protein and mineral composition ... Nicpoń J. et al. [digitized] 422
The effect of subclinical acidosis on the course of periparturient period apd further fertility of dairy cows Has A. et al. [digitized] 428
Effect of individual variability on the activity of glutathione peroxidase and the level of reduced glutathione... Sławeta R. et al. [digitized] 432
The effect of serological examinations on the increase of detection of bacterial agents of bovine abortion Molenda J. et al. [digitized] 435
Microbiological contamination of air in a piggery depending on the technology of nourishment Głąb S. et al. [digitized] 438
Development and methods of neutralization of ammonia in poultry houses Tymczyna L. et al. [digitized] 441