Med. Weter. 43 (11), 641-704, 1987
Possibilities to increase of animal production in developing countries Jasiorowski H. A. [digitized] 650
Human alimentary intoxications due to Yersinia enterocolitica Maleszewski J., Jakubczak A. [digitized] 655
Assesement of the hygienic quality of milk in cows depending on a technological system Mazurek J., Majewski T. [digitized] 657
Activity of haemocytes in the worker honey bees in the course of natural invasion of Varroa jacobsoni Oud Gliński Z., Klimont S. . [digitized] 664
The „in vivo" evaluation of Trichophyton virulence . Wawrzkiewicz K, Wawrzkiewicz J. [digitized] 667
The influence of tetanic toxin on the level of gamma-aminobutyric (GABA) acid in the brain of mice . Borowicz I. [digitized] 672
A trial of the application of Swan-Ganza's cannula (SGC) in haemodynamic studies in horses Ratajczak K [digitized] 676
Biological method to control mastitis in cows. I. Cell reactions and cowshed index according to Drury-Reed Kurek C, Roczniak W. [digitized] 680
Concentration of testosterone in the plasma of boars in a different age Dubiel A., Stańczyk J. F., Barcikowski B., Romanowicz K, Houszka M. [digitized] 687
The influence of leukocytes and a factor isolated from them on the mobility and survival of pig sperrhatozoons in vitro Strzeżek J., Luberda Z. [digitized] 692
Evaluation of a native apparatus for utrasonic diagnosis of pregnancy in sows Pejsak Z., Rutkowski W., Wilk S. [digitized] 697