Med. Weter. 37 (7), 385-448, 1981


Application of serological test and interpretation of the results Larski Z. [digitized] 385
Enzymatic resistance of cow's udder and bacterial mastitis Kurek C [digitized] 390
The role of the fox in the epizoothy of rabies Baczyński Z. [digitized] 393
The occurrence of Microtus arvalis and fox rabies in Low Silesia Wachnik Z.. Losieczka K [digitized] 396
New tendencies in the diagnostic of brucellosis in animals . . . Stryszak A., Królak M. [digitized] 399
Production and specificity of proteases produced by Bacillus sp. and Corynebacterium pyogenes discovered in „lameness" of sheep Cygan Z.,
Wierciński J.. Barcz I.
[digitized] 402
Examinations of the stable diagnostic antigen ,.Avipestignost Łaskarzewska J., Wawrzkiewicz J. [digitized] 405
Advances in diagnostic, prophylaxy and treatment of noninfectious diseases of the productive livestock Schafer M., Hoffmann M., Bentz H,
Kuhnert M.. Schneider J.. Seiner W.
[digitized] 408
Allergic diseases of the skin of dogs treated in the Clinic of Internal Diseases. Veterinary Faculty in Lublin in the last decade . . . Pomorski Z. [digitized] 411
Ipowet — new Polish veterinary drug Kroczyńska H.. Kroczyński J. [digitized] 415
A case of diabetes insipidus in a dog Lutnicki K. Głuchowski W. [digitized] 417
Radiosensitivity of some bacteria isolated from broiler chicken carcasses Fiszer W., Mróz J., Zabielski J. [digitized] 419
Residue of chloroorganic pesticides in the fat of wild animals in the western provinces of Poland Przybycin J. [digitized] 421
Prophylactic application of Fuiometrit rods and Lugol solution of Vagothyl solution in post-puerperal period in cows Krzyżanowski J., Malinowski E.,
Stawomirski J., Wrona Z.
[digitized] 423
Cows abortions due to IBR virus in Poland . Buczek J., Deptuła W.. Deptuła D. [digitized] 426
Clinical and laboratory methods of the diagnosis ot pyometritis in female dogs Króliński J., Nikołajczuk M. [digitized] 429
Value of the determinations ol biochemical indices in blood of pigs obtained supravirally and at a slaughter Gołębiowski S., Bratkowski A.,
Orłowski J.
[digitized] 432