Med. Weter. 36 (8), 449-512, 1980


Adenoviruses in pathology of poultry Szeleszczuk P. [digitized] 449
Dermatophilosis in animals and men . . . Nowakowski J. [digitized] 453
Bacteriological examination of hen, duck and goose embryos dead "Walkowiak E., Starzyńska J. [digitized] 456
The assay of double immunodiffusion test and immunoelectrophoresis in determining antigenic properties of Pasteurella multocida Stępkowski S.,
Zarzycki J., Wrzołek-Łobocka G.
[digitized] 458
Synergetic action of Trimethoprim and sulphonamides against the strains of Pasteurella multocida isolated from various species of animals .
Malanowska T.
[digitized] 461
Economic loss due to experimental larval ascariasis . . . . . Paciejewski S. [digitized] 463
The influence of the addition of sodium casemate on the level of unspecific microflora and organoleptic properties of sausage . . . Prost E.,
Szkucik K.
[digitized] 466
The prevalence of taste-smell alterations of meat by icterus in pigs Nowakowski Z. [digitized] 472
The usefulness o£ SystamexR in the control of intestinal helminthiasis in pigs Furmaga S., Gundłach J. L., Sadzikowski A., Uchacz S. [digitized] 473
Poisoning with nitrates and nitrites in cattle Samól S., Sokołowski M.. [digitized] 477
Poisoning of cows by .,Reglone" (diquate) Jopek Z., Kostowska B., Bohosiewicz M., Kramer H. [digitized] 479
The prevalance of honey bee diseases in 1970—1979 in the light of examinations performed in the Veterinary Center of Hygiene in Rzeszów
Michalski L., Kudela Z.
[digitized] 481
An attempt to evaluate the health state of the udder in cows on the basis of milk examinations,. Bon czar G. [digitized] 483
Penicillins of prolonged action as a cause of allergic reactions in dogs Pomorski Z. [digitized] 484
A trial of the treatment of uraemic syndrome in the dog by the use of peritoneal dialysis . Bąkowski J. [digitized] 486
Pathological events in the reproduction of hens . . Borzemska W. [digitized] 489
Comparative cytogenetic examinations of parents and silbings of a colt with a false masculine hermaphroditism . Bielański W., Kleczkowska A.,
Tischner M., Jaglarz M.
[digitized] 492
Studies on hormonal oestrus stimmulation in sows Zieliński J. [digitized] 495
Correlation between the growth rate of bulls and the length of exploitation period and some exploitation indices in the Animal Breeding and
Insemination Stations
Hibner A., Ziemiński R., Adamczyk J., Komornicki W. [digitized] 497
Kinetics of selenium in hens and ducks Kossakowski S. [digitized] 500