Med. Weter. 31 (8), 449-512, 1975


The XlV-th Conference of Foot-and-Mouth Commission of the Office International des Epizooties Lis H., Kobusiewicz T. [digitized] 454
Investigations on the oncolytic action of CI. sporogenes „CNJ" isolated from the soil Cygan Z., Nowak J., Jastrzębski T. [digitized] 457
The efficacy of niclosamide (Mansonil) and bunamidine (Scalaban) in the treatment of echinococcosis in dogs Kozakiewicz B., Pawłowski Z.,
Zatoński J.
[digitized] 460
T and B lymphocytes and their role in immunological response Schollenberger A., Bakalarska A. [digitized] 463
Asymptomatic demodecosis in dogs Piotrowski F., Milko K. [digitized] 466
Mass mixed invasion of Paramphistornum cervi and Fasciola gigantica in cattle in the Nord Nigeria region Bogatko W. [digitized] 469
Examinations on the infection of mosquitoes and ticks with bovine papilloma virus Wardapietjan Sz. S. [digitized] 470
Attempts to cure the inflammation of airbladder by means of „Wirkstoffkonzentrat 30-prozentig fiir Karpfen" preparation (Hoechst) . Prost M.,
Markiewicz F., Studnicka M.
[digitized] 471
Progressive pneumonia in sheep (Maedi) . . . Zadura J., Cąkała S., Roszkowski J. [digitized] 474
Angioorigin neoplasms in hens Kaszubkiewicz C, Wachnik Z. [digitized] 477
Dynamics of absorption of the erythrocytes labelled with 59Fe by the blood circulation following intraperitoneally infusion Przała F.,
Kotwica J.
[digitized] 479
Leucosis in wild mammalians Dąbrowski J. [digitized] 482
A case of glucosuria renalis s. diabetes renalis Janeczek W. [digitized] 483
Tenderness and consistence of ovine meat in relation to different muscles, age and sex of animals, quality carcass grade, and connective
and muscular fat contents
Prost E. [digitized] 484
Investigations on the influence of refrigeration, storage and thowing on the number of Salmonella typhimurium in artificially infected meat .
Zawadzki Z., Pogorzelska E.
[digitized] 488
Organoleptic, bacteriological and chemical indices of the tin „Pork with Fat" after six years of storage Kozłowski M., Górska T. [digitized] 491
Preliminary observations on the effectiveness of prostaglandin F2 alpha in synchronization of oestrus in cattle Rosianowski K [digitized] 493
Investigations on the relation between electric resistance and the concentration of the semen of rams and cocks Jaczewski S., Pałasz A. [digitized] 496
Attempts to determine the reasons of swine ' losses and rejections as defective in the industrial fattening pig farms in the Lublin province
Nozdryn-Plotnicki J., Lecyk K., GnypJ.
[digitized] 497
The intensity of changes in the content of folic acid in fish meals at the presence of plant additions Witas T. [digitized] 500
Preliminary investigations on the content of flavonoids in some fodders Krzemińska K., Krzemiński K. [digitized] 503