Med. Weter. 27 (3), 129-192, 1971


Infections caused by „slow" viruses Larski Z. [digitized] 129
Common viral diseases of cats. IV. Bedsoniasis of cats. Jastrzębski T. [digitized] 133
Equine influenza due to Hong-Kong A2 virus Szaflarska-Stojko E. Rubarth's disease on the base of diagnostic in-vestigations of the Hygenic Veterinary
Center in Katowice in 1959—1968
Sobiech T., Nowacki J. [digitized] 137
Infectious hepatitis in the flock of hens Kozłowski S. [digitized] 138
The sensitivity to antibiotics of some bacterial strains isolated in 1967—1970 Flis I., Flis J., Szymanderska H [digitized] 139
Results of investigations upon the application of chloraminę for preventing and control of Bombyx mori diseases in Poland Gdański K. [digitized] 141
Usefulness of chosen serologicalreactionsin thediagnosisof fascioliasis in cattle. I. Precipitation in agar gel Kapp Z., Nolewajka E, Pawlak K.,
[digitized] 144
Paramphistomatosis of cattle Wieczorowski S. [digitized] 146
Massive invasion of gnats in the Bielsk Podlaski district Chomczyński K, Chrol M., Trusiak T. [digitized] 147
Acidbase equilibrium in the course of operations of the open chest Badura R.,ModrakowskiA.,Osiński B.,UtzigJ. [digitized] 149
Radiologicprotectionin veterinary X-ray diagnostic laboratory Empel W., Blenau B., KłosZ. [digitized] 151
Investigations on the efficiency of diaropect and furazolidon in the treatment of colibacteriosis in piglets Markiewicz K., Borzemski J., Depta A.,
Kuleta Z.
[digitized] 155
Dilatation, dislocation (torsion) of caecum and proximal ansa of colon in own practice Fryc J. [digitized] 158
Etiological investigations on the grass tetany of cattle inŻuławy Kozakiewicz B. [digitized] 161
A case of chinchilla intoxication with NaCl Nikodemska E., Steffen J. [digitized] 164
Further observations on the course of so called summer or pasture mastitis in cattle Kotowski K., [digitized] 166
About proliferation of mast cells in skin. Zadura J., Roszkowski J. [digitized] 167
Viruses in food Kocot M. [digitized] 171
Investigations onthe efficacy of laurosept on bacterial endospores of Bacillus subtilis Piszcz K,Michalska I. [digitized] 173
Trials on the use of Zeissler's medium to determine in vitro the sensitivity of absolute anaerobic bacteria to antibiotics by means of the disc method
Malik K.
[digitized] 176
The influence of different contents of protein on thegrowthand utilizationof foodby weanedpiglets at the age of 5 weeks Wideński K., Saba L. [digitized] 178
Improvementof preparationof histologicalparaffin sections by means of glass knife and modified technique Pastucha A. [digitized] 181
The comparison of the usefulness of grooved tube to the standard serological test tube in simplified agglutination test Romanowska D. [digitized] 183