Med. Weter. 28 (11), 641-704, 1972
Studies of the immunogenic value of Newacastle Disease Virus subunits Lar ski Z., Wiśniewski J. [digitized] 645
The influence of therapeutic doses of tetracycline for a long-time on the quantitative composition of microorganisms in the alimentary tract
Maciak T. [digitized] 648
Maciak T. [digitized] 648
Examinations on an increase of intestine helminthiasis in pigs in the Poznań province Kozakiewicz B. [digitized] 652
Economic and sanitary-medical harmless of some mallophagas parasitizing in hens Deryło A. [digitized] 654
A case of the disease in the cat due to Yersinia pseudotuberculosis Wilczyński M., Zaremba M., Borowski J. [digitized] 658
Examinations of beasts of the chase in the light of casuistics of the Lublin ZHW in 1967—1971 Dąbrowski T., Staniewska R., Uchimiak I. [digitized] 659
Plan of mastitis control in cows of large scale breed¬ing in the Gdańsk province in the light of newer points of views on the pathogenesis of udder
diseases and own investigations Kurek G., Preis E. [digitized] 661
diseases and own investigations Kurek G., Preis E. [digitized] 661
Clinical evaluation of antibiotic-sulphonamide préparâtes in the prophylaxy of diarrhoea of piglets Boryczko Z„ Furowicz A., Wachowicz R. [digitized] 671
The evaluation of the healthy state of mammary glands in cows milked mechanically of different technical performance Grajewski H., Mazur J.,
Wiśniowski J. [digitized] 672
Wiśniowski J. [digitized] 672
Factors influencing the occurrence of nitrogen nitrate in the pasture grasses Falkowski M., Kukułka I., Kozłowski S. [digitized] 675
The use of biochemical indices to evaluate the quality of semen in domestic animals. V. Immuno¬genic properties of 5'- plasma nucleotidase of the
ram semen Strzeżek J., Wolos A.. Głogowski J. [digitized] 679
ram semen Strzeżek J., Wolos A.. Głogowski J. [digitized] 679
Rancid changes in fish meal under industrial conditions at the presence of antioxidants Witas T. [digitized] 686
Extraction of a fractured pipette for insemination of the skin of udder Polkowski J. [digitized] 692