Med. Weter. 26 (5), 257-320, 1970


Antibiotics in veterinary medicine Janiak T. [digitized] 263
Review and therapeutic indications to the use of antibiotics in veterinary practice Janiak T. [digitized] 267
Antibiotics in the treatment of malignant tumors . Kądziołka A. [digitized] 272
The influence of the local application of antibiotics on tissue covering of poliestric fibres and healing of sterile experimental wounds
Zaleska-Palider H.
[digitized] 274
The application of detreomycin in the treatment of various forms of colibacteriosis in piglets Deres Z., Sitarska E., Bukowski K. [digitized] 277
Characteristics of sensivity of E. coli isola¬ted from different cases of colibacteriosis in piglets to detreomycin Bukowski K., Sitarska E. [digitized] 279
Sensitivity of Erysipelothrix insidiosa to antibiotics Kucharski B. [digitized] 281
The efficacy of apimycin and fumagilin in the treatment of nosematosis Tomaszewska B. [digitized] 282
Antibiotics in animals nutrition Mazurczak J. [digitized] 284
The influence of different doses of oxyterracin in fodder on the digestion coeficients and the results of fattening in chickens, broiler type
Faruga A.
[digitized] 288
The influence of antibiotics added to food on the healthy state of monkeys in the course of acclimatization Pietrzyk J. [digitized] 291
The content on antibiotics in the food of animal origin Mazurczak J. [digitized] 292
The influence of residues of antibiotics in animal tissues on an human organism Mazurczak J. [digitized] 296