Med. Weter. 26 (7), 385-448, 1970
Factors influencing on the development of viral neoplsms Wawrzkiewicz J. The current classifikation on animal viruses . Larski Z. [digitized] 385
The blood picture of lambs experimentally infected with gastroenteric parasites Barowicz T., Petryszak A. [digitized] 390
The investigations on the usefulness of the drug „Zanil" in the control of mature forms of Faseiola hepatica in cattle Chowaniec W.. Ziomko I.,
Darski J. [digitized] 393
Darski J. [digitized] 393
Some diagnostic indices and the chemical composition of milk from cows with mastitis caused by Candida pseudotropicalis Artecki E.,
Zmarlicki S.. Gaweł J. [digitized] 395
Zmarlicki S.. Gaweł J. [digitized] 395
The incidence of poultry diseases in the Koszalin voivodship in 1966—1969 Kozłowski S. [digitized] 399
Attempts of the use of methionine for the control of oedema disease in piglets Surdacki Z., Janowski H„ Batko M. [digitized] 401
The investigations on the effectiveness of Diaropect and Furazolidon in the control of diarrhoea in calves Markiewicz K., Borzemski J., Depta A.,
Kuleta Z. [digitized] 403
Kuleta Z. [digitized] 403
Preliminary clinical observations on the action of Rompun in cattle Peczat G., Borkowska E. [digitized] 406
Post-slaughtery losses caused by parasites of sheep Aleksandrowska I., Borowski H.. Iwanowski E Śmiechowicz J., Szczuka R., Walkowiak E..
Kawelicz M [digitized] 417
Kawelicz M [digitized] 417
The influence of strict selection on the frequency of appearing of reproductive disturbances in bulls sale by auction Romaniuk J., Jaśko w ski L.,
Maik H. [digitized] 418
Maik H. [digitized] 418
Some observations on the changes in bull semen after experimental inflammation of seminal vesicles Boryczko Z. [digitized] 421
The level of sugar, ketonie 'substances, cholesterol and its fractions in blood of cattle in different breeding conditions Malinowska A..
Daszyńska F. [digitized] 433
Daszyńska F. [digitized] 433