Med. Weter. 25 (9), 513-576, 1969
Charges of the Veterinary Sciences Committee of Polish Academy of Sciences in new term Stryszak A. [digitized] 513
Attempts of obtaining and evaluation of serum against oedema disease of pigs Majdan S., Jastrzębski T., Kryszkowski M., Kocik T. [digitized] 519
Observations on the pathogenesis of moniliasis. IV. The fungistatic activity of human and animal sera against Candida albicans
Wawrzkiewicz K. [digitized] 524
Wawrzkiewicz K. [digitized] 524
Investigations on the disease of bulltrouts caused by gas gangrene bacteria Dudryk J., Chyliński G., Czarnowski A. [digitized] 530
Plastics as a complementary material for defects of abdominal coats Badura R, Houszka M., Osiński B. [digitized] 532
Some investigations on mastitis in cows in the Gdańsk voivodship. I. The evaluation of salubrity of mammary glands in cows of Low Land Black
and White breed in large animal breeding Kurek C [digitized] 541
and White breed in large animal breeding Kurek C [digitized] 541
Observation on the effect of feeding on spermatozoon content in the testes and epididymises of bulls Biborski J., Morstin J. [digitized] 548
The preparation of bulls as test animals according to the own method of chirurgical plastic of prepuce Grabowski K, Rutkowiak B. [digitized] 551
Occurrence of diseases in the individual periods of development of caterpillars of Bombyx mori L. during 1956—65 in Poland Golański K [digitized] 553
On the concordance of the results of the test tube agglutinate estimated with classical method and by mean of micropipette Lewkowicz H- [digitized] 561