Med. Weter. 24 (12), 705-768, 1968
The topical problems of the veterinary toxicology. I. The chemical poisonings Bohosiewicz M. [digitized] 705
The investigations on the dermatomycoses occurrence in cattle Krauss S., Wołoszyn S. [digitized] 712
The application of the immunofluorescence reaction in the laboratory diagnostics of rabies Wojciechowski K., Samól S., Trippenbach B. [digitized] 718
The investigations on Clostridium isolation methods. II. The comparison of usefulness of selective media and thermic methods Jastrzębski T.,
Cygan Z. [digitized] 723
Cygan Z. [digitized] 723
On the necessity of amidostomatosis treatment in slaughter geese . Świetlików ski M., Żebrowska-Plata D., Malczewski A. [digitized] 727
The alimentary tract and the lungs parasites in hares in Białystok voivodship Wieczorowski S. [digitized] 731
Thiabendasole in the gastroenteric nematodiasis in sheep Romaniuk K., Depta A., Starzyński W. [digitized] 733
Mycobacteriosis lymphonodica in swine. II. The investigations on the occurrence of Mycobacterium in the muscular tissue Prost E. [digitized] 738
The incidence of Vibrio bubulus in the reproductive organs in sheep and rams Wilkosz A., Książek B. [digitized] 741
The frequency of mulberry silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) diseases occurrence during 1956—1960 depending on the breed reared in Poland
Golański K. [digitized] 743
Golański K. [digitized] 743
The blood morphology of golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus Waterh) ' Chicewicz M., Dulemba J. [digitized] 746