Med. Weter. 18 (2), 65-128, 1962


The role of animals in Uie problem of tumors . . . Zakrzewski A. [digitized] 65
The problem of nosematosis . Kirkor S. [digitized] 68
Observations on the tvpes of Vibrio found in the praepuce of bulls" Hoppe R. Ryniewicz Z. [digitized] 71
Anaplasmosis in cattle Sas Kropiwnicki M. J. [digitized] 75
Salmonellosis of cattle in Poland during 1945—1960 Meuszyński S. [digitized] 79
Rabies in wild animals in Poland during 1957—1960 Serokowa D. [digitized] 80
Some notes on rhinitis atrophicans in pigs Samól S. [digitized] 85
Attempt to differentiate strains of the Newcastle disease virus on the basis of the aldolase activity Mierzejewski J. [digitized] 88
Notes on the tuberculin test in horses .... Kozłowski F. M. [digitized] 91
Results of the control of iiver fluke disease in the Warsaw province Ma rań ski C [digitized] 92
Distribution of glycogen and vitamin C in the liver of cows in cases of parasitic cirrhosis hepatis Kądziołka A. [digitized] 93
Two cases of poisoning of cattle with the insecticide „Tritoks 30" Skubis M. [digitized] 99
.Mycostatin" in the treat¬ment of a*pergilosis of chicks Dwurzyński T. . [digitized] 99
Examination oi vaginal smears in sheep Łada A. [digitized] 100
Actual state of scientific studies in Veterinary Institutes in the Soviet Union Kraus S.. Stryszak A.. Kobusiewicz T. [digitized] 105
Evaluation of milk pro¬ductivity of cows in Poland Kwasieborski J. [digitized] 109
Influence of aminoacids on the growth of L icterohaemorrhagiae Scheller S. [digitized] 113