Med. Weter. 16 (9), 513-576, 1960
Studies on the use of the native racemic Chloromycetin for the control of septicaemia of carps Chodyniecki A. [digitized] 518
Cases of variola in cows in connection with-the antivariola vaccines for children Chwalibog J. [digitized] 531
Studies on the coagulation system of the blood in the period of the leading out of dogs from experimental haemorrhagic shock by the use of
dextran and lyophilized plasma Janiak T., Janiakowa A., Dorobisz T. [digitized] 534
dextran and lyophilized plasma Janiak T., Janiakowa A., Dorobisz T. [digitized] 534
A case of parasitic connectivetissue hyperplasia in the neck ligament of a horse Lewandowski M., Rubaj B. [digitized] 543
II_nd International Symposium of the Association of Veterinary Hygienists of Food Products Trawińska A. [digitized] 544
Ammonia, urea and uric acid in the semen of the domestic fowl Klymiuk B., Olbrycht F., Pytasz M. [digitized] 547
The VII th Meeting of the Polish Zootechnical Association in Cracow . Wojtatowicz Z. [digitized] 554