Med. Weter. 15 (2), 65-128, 1959
Studies on immunity of pigs vaccinated with anti-Swine fever vaccine with CVV Janowski H., Majdan St. & Mierzejewska M. [digitized] 71
Comparative studies on applicability of erythrocytes of hens vaccinated and not vaccinated against Pestis avium in the haemagglutination inhibiting
reaction Larski Z. [digitized] 85
reaction Larski Z. [digitized] 85
Tuberculinization of fowls on farms of the State Agricultural Farms in the Opole district Jakubowski S. [digitized] 86
Studies on the value of the trichinoscopic method and the digestion method for the detection of trichinellae in slaughter pigs Prost E. [digitized] 88
The level of iodine bound with serum protein in cattle of the Red Polish breed from goitrous areas of Podhale Ewy Z., Bobek St. [digitized] 100
Intoxication of animals with chemicals type 2, 4-D and DNOC (used for extermination of weeds, insects and impregnation of wood)
Bohosiewicz M., Szwabowicz A. [digitized] 107
Bohosiewicz M., Szwabowicz A. [digitized] 107