Med. Weter. 12 (1), 1-64, 1956


Activity of the veterinary service in 1950—1955 Korzeniewski J. [digitized] 1
Immunology of swine fever. Mutual exclusive action of antiswine fever serum and ,,CVV" Brill J. & Gołębiowski S. [digitized] 13
From studies of infectious gastro-enteritis of pigs in Poland Janowski H. [digitized] 16
Karczewski W. Carrier state and transmission of the virus of seudo-plague of fowis in geese Teklińska M., Cąkałowa A. [digitized] 21
Blastomycosis of lungs in Mustella lustreola Czarnowski A. [digitized] 24
Complex studies of the site of the community farm Z. II. Photographs of the soil Anczykowski F., Tytko M. & Jakubczyk J. [digitized] 25
Muscular ecchymoses in pigs Prost E. [digitized] 31
Methylosilicon — a new medicine in the treatment of acute hoven in ruminants Staśkiewicz G. [digitized] 33
A new method of operation of pseudo-hernia in large animals Stefaniak W. [digitized] 35
From anatomo-pathologic casuistry Pustówka T. [digitized] 41
Herpes tonsurans in cattle in collective farming Strzelecki B. [digitized] 42
A case of a tumor on a leg in a horse Grudzień S. [digitized] 43
A case of coryza In a cow Tymniak M. [digitized] 43
Observations on sudden death of pigs Wyżyński J. [digitized] 43
Paper electrophoresis of swine serum at higher tensions Szurman J. & Hanisch J. [digitized] 44