Med. Weter. 10 (6), 309-372, 1954
Microbiologic examinations of air in animal buildings (Conclusion) Czajkowski Z. & Ugorski L. [digitized] 320
Works of the Department of Science of Special Breeding at the W.S.R. in Wroclaw Konopiński T. [digitized] 326
Penicillin in the treatment of di¬seases of the respiratory organ in dogs Balbierz H. [digitized] 347
Tentative treatment of sca¬bies in silver foxes by the oral administra¬tion Gamexan Markiewicz K. [digitized] 349
A case of a fracture of the fetlock in horse successfully treated with plaster of paris Skrzek Z. [digitized] 349
Let us learn new achievements of the Soviet Union biology, let us apply them to our science and practice (conclusion) Mirski B. [digitized] 350