Med. Weter. 8 (9), 385-432, 1952


Critical review of investigative-scientific work at the State Veterinary Institute during- the I semestr of 1952 Żuliński T. [digitized] 385
The value of serum of convalescents and of normal horse serum in combating foot and mouth disease Kobusiewicz T. [digitized] 388
Allergy in tuberculosis and its practical significance in combating tuberculosis of cattle Janowski H. [digitized] 390
Significance of the stadium theory of development in animals for zootechny Folejewski W. [digitized] 393
Supravital hydrogenation of fat Olbrycht T., Wandokanty F. & Szaro A. [digitized] 394
Quantitative examinations of the content pf carbon dioxide, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide in. the air of animal dwellings Czajkowski Z. [digitized] 396
Investigations on the sterilization of measly pork by pickling Szkutnik Z. [digitized] 398
Treatment with tissues in veterinary practice Juszkiewicz T. & Staśkiewicz G. [digitized] 401
The problem of disinfection in the Soviet veterinary medicine Rogalski L. [digitized] 403
Sanitary conditions for rapid control of infectious diseases of pigs in the socialistic sector of animals production Klobouk A. [digitized] 405