Med. Weter. 7 (3), 133-216, 1951


The Problem of heredity in tuberculosis Rubinstein G. R. [digitized] 159
Brucella abortus S 19 vaccine in a frozen state Bosgra O. Dried [digitized] 164
The control of brucellosis of cattle. Isolation and disinfection . Manninger R. [digitized] 167
Virus abortions in mares Manninger R. [digitized] 169
Biological properties of the Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae Lachowicz M. [digitized] 17l
The control of Swine fever in the light of recent investigations Majdan S. [digitized] 173
The use of Traub's vaccine against Swine erysipelas Kobusiewicz T. [digitized] 177
On the nature of viruses and bacteria — views and response to J. Dolguszyn's article in Przegląd Hodowlany 9—10, 1950 Prawocheński R. [digitized] 179
Investigations of the veterinary surgeon E. Land on the nature of the bacterial cell Runge S. [digitized] 180
New data on botulismus . Staśkiewicz G. [digitized] 181
Miczurinism and the clinical veterinary sciences Juszkiewicz T. [digitized] 184
A case of cavernous angio¬ma in the liver of a hen DziekoAski J. [digitized] 186
The authors' self invented instrument for the counting of dropping drops Juszkiewicz T., Paroszkiewicz M. [digitized] 187