Med. Weter. 7 (8), 513-580, 1951
From studies on Ery¬sipelothrix rhusiopathiae Parnas J., Lorkiewicz Z., Nowak B., Poznańskia I. [digitized] 530
Pasteprellosis of sucking pigs in the casuistics of W.Z.H.W. Lublin Dąbrowski T., Daszkiewicz I. [digitized] 537
The use of the allergic intradermo-palpebral test in the diagnosis of parasites in horses Zieliński J. [digitized] 541
Opinions on the combating of sterility of breeding animals in the Soviet Union Hoppe R. [digitized] 546
The treat¬ment of some forms of exanthema endogenes of dogs with vitamins F and B6 Wandokanty P., Utzig J. [digitized] 549
Indurative hypertrophic inflammation of the lymphode and perinodular tissue in the laryngeal region in a mare Sierzpowski A. [digitized] 553