Med. Weter. 71 (4), 206-210, 2015
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Niedbalski W. |
Bluetongue control strategy in Europe |
The article reviews the policy of bluetongue (BT) control in Europe until 2000 and the new strategy adopted in November this year. The control strategy applied until 2000 was consistent with the Directive 92/119/EEC of 17 December 1992, which involved the use of direct control methods, such as the demarcation of a 3-km radius protection zone and a 10-km radius surveillance zone around each infected farm, as well as the slaughter of all susceptible animals on the infected farm and possibly on neighboring farms. This strategy was modified in the autumn of 2000 by the Directive 2000/75/EC, as it became obvious that the stamping-out approach was completely inadequate in dealing with vector-borne diseases, such us bluetongue or epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD). According to this directive, the primary strategy for BT control should be based on the strict control of the transfer of susceptible animals from zones considered infected and on vaccination in the protection zone. The areas subject to movement restrictions are defined on the basis of intensive clinical, serological and entomological surveillance. Moreover, a strict quarantine of animals and herds is applied, as well as a safe utilization of dead animals and disinfection of animals, buildings and environment with insecticides. By the Commission Decision 2008/655/WE, the strategy for BT control also includes vaccinations aimed at reducing the spread of the virus in the environment, and measures to ensure safe movement of susceptible animals between affected and free zones. A BT control policy that combines administrative methods with prophylactic vaccination of all susceptible animals, supplemented by the application of insecticides to control Culicoides midges in the environment, is currently the most effective strategy for BT eradication. |
Key words: bluetongue (BT), control, Europe |