Med. Weter. 70 (12), 762-765, 2014
full text

Andrearczyk S., Kadhim M. J., Knaga S. |
Influence of a probiotic on the mortality,
sugar syrup ingestion and infection of honeybees
with Nosema spp. under laboratory assessment |
After the withdrawal of fumagillin, there is no effective drug against Nosema disease in the EU. Therefore,
intensive research is conducted in order to find new nosemacides. Probiotic microorganisms compete with
pathogenic microbes in the gastrointestinal tract. This competition involves adhesion to the intestinal epithelium,
which leads to greater availability and utilisation of nutrients.
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of a probiotic supplement in the apian diet on the mortality
and food ingestion of honeybees, and especially on the course of Nosema spp. infestation.
In experiments 1 and 2, the addition of the probiotic caused an increase in the Nosema spp. infection in the
summer and winter honeybees. A special probiotic dedicated to the apian diet should be developed. |
Key words: probiotic, laboratory test, sugar syrup, bee mortality, Nosema disease, Apis mellifera |