Med. Weter. 70 (10), 599-603, 2014
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Kosior-Korzecka U., Radwańska P., Witkowska K., Patkowski K. |
Kisspeptin-10 and peptide 234 modulate GnRH-induced follicle-stimulating hormone secretion from anterior pituitary cells of prepubertal lambs in vitro |
The aim of the study was to analyze the contribution of kisspeptin-10 (KiSS-10) and peptide 234 (kisspeptin-234, potent neutral antagonist of GPR-54 receptors) to the modulation of GnRH-induced follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) secretion from anterior pituitary cells of prepubertal ram lambs in vitro. Pituitary cells were cultured in McCoy 5A medium without hormones (the negative control), with GnRH (4 x 10-9 M, the positive control), with GnRH (4 x 10-9 M) and 10-11 - 10-8 M of KiSS-10 or GnRH (4 x 10-9 M), 10-11 – 10-8 M of KiSS-10 and 10-7 M of peptide 234. After 6, 12 and 48 h of the experiment, the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone was determined. The obtained results show that FSH secretion from anterior pituitary cells of ram lambs in vitro was dependent on kisspeptin-10 concentration in the culture medium. Addition of 10-11 – 10-9 M of KiSS-10 caused an increase in FSH secretion (r= 0.73, 0.90, and 0.82 after 6, 12 and 48 h, respectively) compared to both the negative and positive control, whereas the highest concentration of KiSS-10 (10-8 M) suppressed the secretion of this gonadotropin. The most stimulating effect was observed under the influence of 10-9 M of KiSS-10. However, concurrent cell exposure to peptide 234 abolished the stimulating action of kisspeptin-10 on FSH secretion. The negative correlation between FSH secretion and 10-11 - 10-8 M of KiSS-10 in this condition was found (r = -0.68, -0.91, and -0.81 after 6, 12 ,and 48 h, respectively). This confirms that the observed increase in GnRH-induced FSH secretion was a direct effect of KiSS-10 on the anterior pituitary cells of prepubertal ram lambs. |
Key words: kisspeptin-10, peptide 234, follicle-stimulating hormone, anterior pituitary cells |