Med. Weter. 70 (10), 616-619, 2014
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Puk K., Guz L., Sopińska A. |
Use of complementary feeding stuff Ichtio Hexan to control Spironucleus salmonis infections in rainbow trout |
The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of Ichtio Hexan (complex blend of Allium sativum extract, Chelidonium majus extract, Origanum vulgare extract, carvacrol and cinnamic aldehyde) in controlling spironucleosis (hexamitosis) in rainbow trout fingerlings. For this purpose, tree groups of rainbow trout naturally infected with S. salmonis were fed diets containing either no Ichtio Hexan or supplemented with Ichtio Hexan at a rate of 0.1 ml/kg bw (group 1) or 1 ml/kg bw (group 2) for 38 days. During this period, mortalities were recorded, and dead fish were examined to confirm the isolation of S. salmonis. At the end of the experiment, fish were sacrificed, then individually weighed and measured, and their livers were removed and weighed. To determine the prevalence and intensity of infection, intestinal contents were examined.
The results of the present study show that Ichtio Hexan in an amount of 0.1 ml/kg bw considerably reduced mortality caused by S. salmonis in rainbow trout fingerlings. After the administration of Ichtio Hexan at this dose for 38 days, the number of S. salmonis trophozoites in the digestive tract was significantly reduced and they were found only in the posterior part of the intestine. On the other hand, in the group fed 1 ml/kg bw, none of the fish were infected, and the gain in the body weight was significantly increased, but the mortality rate was similar to that in the control group. The experimental groups did not differ significantly in terms of the condition factor and hepatosomatic index.
The above findings suggest that Ichtio Hexan at a dose of 0.1 ml/kg bw can be successfully used in rainbow trout farms to reduce the mortality rate in S. salmonis-infected fish.
Key words: rainbow trout, Spironucleus salmonis, spironucleosis treatment, Ichtio Hexan |