Med. Weter. 70 (1), 20-24, 2014
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Bystroń J., Krupa P., Podkowik M., Bania J. |
Arcobacter spp. – a potential risk for food safety? |
The genus Arcobacter was included in the family Campylobacteraceae in 1991, and currently consists of fourteen species, of which A. butzlerii, A. cryaerophilus, and A. skirrowii have been associated with human and animal diseases. Arcobacter spp. have been isolated from food, mainly from products of animal origin, with the highest prevalence in chickens, followed by pork and beef. The bacteria have been commonly detected in chicken carcasses and in the intestinal content of birds. The faecal contamination is regarded as the main route of transmission of Arcobacter spp. into poultry carcasses. Additionally, these bacteria can attach to water pipes and are able to survive in the slaughterhouse environment under chilled conditions. Apart from poultry and other meat, Arcobacter spp. have been isolated from drinking water reservoirs, sewage, faeces of healthy animals and from animals affected by various diseases, including abortion, mastitis, septicaemia, and enteritis. Recent evidence suggests that Arcobacter spp., especially A. butzleri, may be involved in human enteric diseases. Occasionally, these bacteria have also been found in cases of human extraintestinal diseases. Until present, little is known about the infection dose, mechanisms of pathogenicity, and virulence factors of Arcobacter spp. Consumption of raw or poorly cooked contaminated food of animal origin, mainly poultry, is the most likely source of human poisoning. The actual role of Arcobacter spp. in human diseases is probably underestimated because of the lack of standardized identification methods and routine detection procedures. |
Key words: Arcobacter spp., poultry, enteritis, food safety. . |