Med. Weter. 70 (1), 54-59, 2014

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Adaszek Ł., Staniec M., Buczek K., Łopuszyński W., Śmiech A., Milczak A., Dębiak P., Klimiuk P., Wyłupek D., Winiarczyk S.
Application of rhinoscopy in the diagnostics of nasal tumors in dogs
The aim of this article was to describe cases of nasal tumors in dogs in which a rhinoscopy procedure was used as part of the process of disease diagnosis. The study included two dogs, aged 8 and 11 years, showing symptoms of epistaxis. The animals underwent a radiological examination and a rhinoscopy, during which bioptats were taken for histopathological examination. The radiological examination of the head did not reveal lesions characteristic of a neoplastic process. The rhinoscopic examinations showed a large hyperplasia closing the nasal canal in both dogs. The histopathological examination of the two bioptats sampled from the nose area demonstrated clusters of cells characteristic of a neoplastic process. The dogs were euthanized and subjected to a post-mortem examination. The histopathological examination of samples taken from the lesions in the nasal cavity confirmed olfactory neuroblastoma and transitional cell carcinoma in dogs 1 and 2, respectively. Rhinoscopy is a technique complementary to computer tomography, and, if the latter is impossible, it should represent, along with a radiological examination, the basis for a preliminary diagnosis of a neoplastic process, which ought to be confirmed by a cytological or histopathological examination of bioptats obtained from the sites of the lesions.
Key words: dog, olfactory neuroblastoma, transitional cell carcinoma, rhinoscopy.