Medycyna Wet. 65 (3), 181-183, 2009

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Dębiak P., Łojszczyk-Szczepaniak A., Komsta R.
Diagnostics of canine peritoneal-pericardial diaphragmatic hernia (PPHD)
The study presents two cases of dogs with congenital peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia of radically different clinical courses. The dorsoventral and right lateral thoracic radiographs proved helpful in establishing a diagnosis. In the first dog examined, the disorder did not precipitate any clinical signs and it was recognized as an incidental finding solely during the radiological evaluation. The radiograms confirmed the presence of gas-filled bowel loops overlying the markedly enlarged cardiac silhouette. The radiographic finding of the other dog presented with a history of developing a circulatory-respiratory compromise revealed a severe cardiomegaly along with a blurred outline of the diaphragmatic dome. The definitive diagnosis was confirmed by the ultrasonographic examination, which allowed direct visualization of the liver displacement, i.e. some liver lobes were herniated into the pericardial sac.
Keywords: diaphragm, hernia, congenital anomaly, dogs