Med. Weter. 37 (1), 1-64, 1981
International symposium devoted pseudorabies and Aujeszky's disease viruses . Wawrzkiewicz J. [digitized] 8
Occurrence and survival period of acid-fast bacilli in comported and dried poultry litters Skwarek P., Żórawski C [digitized] 9
The influence of Oesophagostomum dentatum invasion on fertilization of sows and body weight gains of piglets Romaniuk K., Olejnik T.,
Ulanowski M. [digitized] 12
Ulanowski M. [digitized] 12
The influence of dehelminthization performed in pigs at various age on their body weight gains Grzywiński L., Poznański W. [digitized] 15
Presuppositions of veterinary prophylactic program and its appraisal after 3 years exploitation of a dairy cows farm, type UO-500 Balbierz H.,
Kluczniok P. [digitized] 17
Kluczniok P. [digitized] 17
Analysis of losses in a calf raising to the age of 6 months in the state farms of the Lublin district Trautman J., Zalewski W., Klimiuk A., Kiciak U. [digitized] 23
The influence of time separation of piglets on the further sows exploitation Wandurski A. [digitized] 26
Studies on the content of vitamin A in liver and blood of pigs Gołębiowski S., Orłowski J., Bratkowski A. [digitized] 29
The influence of the age in the first day of calving on some conception rate, span of life and cows utilization Hibner A., Krzywda J. [digitized] 31
Comparison of the methods of heifers superovulation Członkowska M., Górniewska M., Jędruch J. Karczewski W. [digitized] 34
Studies on the efficacy of certain préparâtes in prophylaxy of MM A syndrome in sows Kotowski K. [digitized] 36
Morphological characteristics of nucleoli and lysosomes in lymphocytes of leukaemic cows Sitarska E., Kopeć J., Grabarczyk M. [digitized] 42
Characteristics of sporulating anaerobes isolated from spoiled canned meat ... Skoczek A. [digitized] 49
The influence of sublethal heating on lipase production by S. aureus . . . Uradziński J. [digitized] 51
Histochemical examinations of guinea pigs livers after sulphur administration Wesołowski H. [digitized] 53