Med. Weter. 31 (10), 577-640, 1975


Genesis of nervous complications after antirabic vaccinations Stryszak A. [digitized] 577
Pathogenesis of rabies Baczyński Z. [digitized] 580
Methods of the control of rabies in foxes Wojciechowski K. J., Serokowa D. [digitized] 583
A few remarks on prophylaxy and treatment of human rabies Mardarowicz C, Tuczapska B., Malec R. [digitized] 587
The activity of the Commission for Rabies of Wild Animals of the Committee of Veterinary Sciences of Polish Academy of Sciences
Wojciechowski K. J.
[digitized] 589
Enzootic chlamydiosis in bulls. I. Symptoms, bacteriological and morphological examinations of the semen and serological assay of the blood
Truszczyński M., Cygan Z., Wawrzkiewicz J., Rubaj B., Pielecki M.
[digitized] 590
Investigations on the etiology of keratoconjunctivitis in the calf Kita J., Frygin C, Woyciechowska S., Krzywoszyńska I., Zieliński J. [digitized] 593
Analysis of economical losses due to the invasion of parasites in slaughtered animals Wójcik A. R., Grzywiński L. [digitized] 597
Investigations on the efficacy of „Płodoform" in the treatment of endometritis and ovarian disfunction in cows Jaśkowski L., Romaniuk J.,
Rogoziewicz M., Synowiedzki Z.
[digitized] 599
The results of biological tests obtained by the use of a diluter with prolonged validity in the insemination practice Morstin J., Zieliński W., Szałajko T.,
Lamperki B.
[digitized] 601
Battery production and healthy stats of poultry Wachnik Z., [digitized] 603
Assay of drinking water on farms Janowski T., Zimnal S. [digitized] 606
The influence of suction reflex during feeding colostrum on the level of lactogenic immunity in new-born calves Kondracki M., Radomiński W.,
Żmudziński J., Lachowski A.
[digitized] 608
Studies on the occurrence of bacterial otitis in dogs Dąbrowska A., Maryniak J., Orant-Wityk J., Strzelecka A. [digitized] 610
Observations on the incidence of exanthema in dogs Nicpoń J., Janeczek W., Janeczek A. [digitized] 612
A current development of chosen methods of radiological examinations (rentgenokinematography and rentgenotelevision) Koper S. [digitized] 614
A value of neuroleptanalgesy II in chosen surgical operations in dogs Komar E. [digitized] 616
Anatomo-pathological lesions in the central nervous system in the course of swine vesicular disease (SVD) . Kozłowicz J., Niżańska M., Pierzchała M.
Sobczak L.
[digitized] 618
The application of autovaccines in the therapy and prophylaxy of papillomatosis in cattle Wardapietjan Sz. S. [digitized] 621
Post-haemorrhagical cyst of the spleen in a dog Szarek J., Depta A. [digitized] 622
Variability of yeast in fresh pork-meat articles. II. Qualitative characteristics Szczepaniak B., Rzeźniczak J., Pezacki W. [digitized] 623
Water activity in canned fish Kowalska Z., Kostuch S., Sikorski Z. [digitized] 626
Comparison of the recovery method of bacteria from the frozen minced fish meat. I. Isolation of E. coli and Salmonella sp Zalewski S., Fik A. [digitized] 631
The application of coli — indices in comparative examinations of E. coli titer in milk Adamczyk E., Chmielowski W. [digitized] 633
The application of immunoenzymatic technique for the detection of viruses Bartoszcze M., Roszkowski J. [digitized] 635