Med. Weter. 29 (10), 577-640, 1973


Rabies and its prophylaxy in men Lutyński R. [digitized] 577
Zoo-sanitary situation of rabies in the Białystok province in 1956—1972 . Wilczyński M. [digitized] 580
The occurrence of antibodies against adenovirus type 5 in sera of cattle from the Lublin province Buczek J., WrzołekG., Ziółkowska G. [digitized] 582
Marek's disease in broiler chickens. Virological and histopathological studies . Go1nik W., Malicka E. [digitized] 584
A preliminary evaluation of immunofluorescent test in the diagnosis of hog-cholera in pigs . . Gołębiowski S., Orłowski J. [digitized] 587
The identification of O antigen in E. coli strains isolated from pigs by the use of the full set of anti-O sera Ciosek D. [digitized] 589
A preliminary identification of Pasteurella multocida and Diplococcus septicus in calves diseases by means of immunofluorescent test Świątek Z.,
Kondracki M.
[digitized] 592
Investigations on the serotypes of Erysipelothrix insidiosa Serafin C, Zahaczewski J. [digitized] 594
Vibrionosis in birds Podlewska D. [digitized] 596
Hypodermatosis in cattle and its control. I. The efficacy of Neguvon, Dermaphos (Z-50} and Hypocid Romaniuk K. [digitized] 598
The usefulness of phosphoorganic compound IPO-63 in the control of some ectoparasites in domestic animals Buchalski L. [digitized] 602
Hydronephrosis rickettsiosa in cattle . . Wardapietjan Sz. S. [digitized] 604
The XLIth General Conference of the OIE in Paris .... Lis H., Truszczyński M. [digitized] 605
Clinical observations on anaesthesia in animals by use of Vetbutal .... Kostyra J. [digitized] 606
Hyperkeratosis of cows in chronic intoxication with chlorinated naphthalens Bohosiewicz M., Houszka M. [digitized] 610
Absorption of neomycin from the alimentary tract of a pig Schollenberger A., Sobczyk J. [digitized] 612
The influence of atherogenic diet on the activity of asparagine (AspAT) and alanine (A1AT) aminotransferases in plasma of cocks
of green-legged breed
Mierzejewski T., Truchliński J. [digitized] 613
Comparative examinations on the content of iron in the liver of piglets after iron application and due to colibacteriosis Romanowska M.,
Kucharski B., Dąbrowski T.
[digitized] 615
Observations on the toxicity of nitrates and nitrites in broiler chickens Czarnowski A., Musielak B. [digitized] 617
The survival rate of Staphylococcus aureus in frozen beef Zawadzki Z., Pogorzelska E. [digitized] 620
The role of prostaglandines in reproduction Bielański A. [digitized] 622
Observations on the semen collection from rabbits Dubiel A. [digitized] 624
Results of insemination of gilts with mixed semen from different boards preserved in a diluent with the addition of EDTA Wierzchoś E.,
Rzeźnik-Kareta K., Bielański A.
[digitized] 626
The role of measurement of internal body temperature in early diagnosis of postpuerperal syndrome in sows Wandurski A. [digitized] 628
The VII th International Congress on Reproduction and Artificial Insemination in Animals Hoppe R. [digitized] 630
Views on the terms of piglets weaning Kotowski K. [digitized] 632