Med. Weter. 25 (4), 193-256, 1969
The level of HI antibodies in broilers vaccinated against Newcastle disease fed with fodder enriched with the by-products of tomato processing ...
Wiśniewski J., Tomczyński R. [digitized] 197
Wiśniewski J., Tomczyński R. [digitized] 197
The level of Na, K and Ca in sera of young bulls infected with M. phlei Boehdalek R., Nowacki J., Sobiech T. [digitized] 198
The evaluation of effectiveness of "Maretin-Boli" in the therapy of gastro-intestinal nemathodes in sheep Romaniuk K., Tarczyński S. [digitized] 201
Some results of twofold treatement of hypodermatose of cattle with "Dermophos" (phosphoorganic insecticide Z-50) by epidermal inunction .
Patyk S., Bąk T., Czyrek B. [digitized] 203
Patyk S., Bąk T., Czyrek B. [digitized] 203
Some problems connected with the taking of samples during the food inspections Żaboklicki K. [digitized] 208
Occurrence of diseases and losses in industrial breedings of polyhybrids of Bombyx mori L. during 1960—1966 in Poland Golański K. [digitized] 212
Investigations on the harmfulness of poultry fodder with aflatoxin . Czarnowski A., Czarnowska W., Pawlak Z. [digitized] 215
Operative treatement of double distortion of pregnant uterus complicated with its perforation Majorkowski B. [digitized] 218
The influence of extracts from different parts of hypothalamus of brain on the activity of ovaria Top a K. [digitized] 224
The level of Copper in the livers of pigs fed with the fodder supplemented with copper sulphate as a growth stimulating factor Dziliński E.,
Raslawski Z., Ręka J. [digitized] 227
Raslawski Z., Ręka J. [digitized] 227
The role of veterinary sciences in strenghtening of the state defence Kossakowski S. [digitized] 231
The principles of action of National Health Service in territorial defence system and its possibilities to colaborate with Veterinary Service
Boszkiewicz T. [digitized] 234
Boszkiewicz T. [digitized] 234
Comparative determination of chlorides in industrial fodder by means of Volhard's and modified Mohr's method Owsiejczuk W. [digitized] 241