Med. Weter. 21 (2), 65-128, 1965


Lung helminthiasis in cattle in Poland in 1963 Wertejuk M. [digitized] 65
Propositions for a plan of investigation on the economic significance of parasitical invasion Tarczyński S. [digitized] 67
Atypical bacteria and their significance in veterinary science 70 • Wachnik Z. [digitized] 70
The determination of serotypes of E. coli isolated from infected fowls and healthy hens Ciosek D. [digitized] 74
Coli enterotoxaemia of piglings (oedema disease) in the light of recent research and own investigations Furowicz A. [digitized] 77
Investigations on leptospirosis of the horse in the Lublin province Dąbrowski T., Meresta L., Paroszkiewicz M., Kucharski B. [digitized] 81
The isolation of Brucella bacteria from an aborted pig foetus Serafin C [digitized] 84
The problem of Clostridium perfringens in food products Kafel S. [digitized] 84
Investigations on the value of some methods in the quantitative determination of the bacterial contamination of meat . Pełczyńska E. [digitized] 87
Fungal infections of the skin in animals Jaksch W. [digitized] 90
The level of oxytetracycline in the blood of horses, cattle, pigs and dogs after the administration of the preparation „Oxyvet" Polfa Gancarz B.,
Hejłasz Z., Janiak T.
[digitized] 95
Fungal mange in bulls Kamyszek F. [digitized] 97
Procedure at birth in cases of acute traumatic inflammation of the scalp in cows Rutkowiak B. [digitized] 99
The use of procaine with hyaluronidase in certain local anaesthesias in cattle Kostyra J., Studnicki W. [digitized] 101
Spontaneous healing of a broken metacarpal bone in the sloth (Cervus elaphus L.) Zaniewski L. [digitized] 104
Blastomycosis in a case of lymphatic cancer of the lungs in a dog Zioło T. [digitized] 105
The cervix of the uterus in pigs in the ovarian cycle. I. Morfological features of the cervical canal Tischner M., Jarosz S. [digitized] 107
Introductory observations on losses of calves in the parturitions of heifers of the lowland black-white race Rosochowicz L. [digitized] 110
Observations on the changes in semen from bulls vaccinated against foot and mouth disease under the influence of glycerol
Latala-Niedzielska M.
[digitized] 113
Blastomycosis as a cause of abortion in cows Chwalibog J. [digitized] 115
The operation of a pus-filled fistula leading from the pregnant uterus in a cow Prokopow C [digitized] 115
A case of untypical tuberculin reaction in a cow in a generalized cancerous process Szpakowski J. [digitized] 116